Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Reasons NOT to have children

So many of my friends have been having children lately. Some say how wonderful it is and others begrudgingly admit that it can be a pain in the ass. So I've compiled a list of reasons to just say no. ;-)

  • Space to focus on a education.
  • Uninterrupted conversations.
  • Travel that's truly impulsive and adventurous (and never involves zoos).
  • Unpremeditated Saturday nights on the town, or Tuesday nights as the case may be.
  • Stretches of quiet for reading or relaxing.
  • A non-child-proofed, non-toy-strewn, non-goldfish-cracker-crumb-riddled home. (that ones for you mom)
  • Eight (or nine) uninterrupted hours of sleep a night.
  • All without any guilt that one should be spending more quality time with the kid.